What is BREATHE?

BREATHE is a revolutionary air purification system - marrying the therapeutic benefits of aromatherapy essential oils with water-based filtration to spring-clean your surrounding air of bacteria and fungi and improve your body resistance.

Cleansing the air deeply, the air revitalizer eliminates all kinds of smells – including tobacco, cooking and humid air smells – instead of merely masking them. The aroma and beneficial wonders of the essential oils are diffused into the surroundings, enabling you to enjoy the refreshing goodness that comes with these premium essential oils.

Therapy using extracts from plants and trees, or aromatherapy as many would term it, dates back to ancient civilizations during which it was use to heal, enhance, and soothe the body, mind and soul. While aromatherapy has been disengaged from the world for a period of time, it is omnipresent today. Its goodness has been woven into the natural fabric of people’s lives in one form or the other.

BREATHE Air Revitalizer is an epitome of this growing trend. In the face of the increasing concerns over the effects of indoor air pollution such as asthma and allergy attacks, BREATHE has reinvented the air revitalizer to work in the therapeutic benefits of essential oils.

Health Benefits and Advantages

BREATHE has multiple benefits to users. Be it for cleansing your surrounding air, eradicating bacteria and viruses, or for dispersing aromatherapy to improve health and the immunity system, or to promote calmness and tranquillity, BREATHE is an all-in-one product that complements all lifestyles and tastes. The BREATHE Air Revitalizer and antibacterial essences can bring huge benefits to our health and well being by improving the quality of the air we breathe in our home or business environment.

  • Eliminate air-borne viruses and bacteria
  • Prevent mould and fungi growth
  • Remove carbon monoxide build-up
  • Humidify an air-conditioned room
  • Disperse aromatherapy oils effectively for treatment and pampering
  • Creates a cleaner, fresher, healthier indoor environment in your home or office
  • Removes bacteria, viruses, mould, pollen, dust and other contaminants
  • Positive effects for allergy and asthma sufferers
  • Offers optimal conditions for a good night's sleep especially for asthma, hay fever, rhinitis and sinus sufferers
  • As it purifies the air you breathe, it also acts as a humidifier, counteracting the drying effects of central heating
  • Aerate, refresh and cleanse stale indoor air Trap surrounding dirt and dust
  • Eliminate cooking, tobacco smells and unpleasant odours Helps to remove smog at fireplace during winter
  • Simple to use: just fresh water and a few drops of one of our BREATHE range of essential oil solutions
  • Small and portable - can be used in any room that has an electric socket
  • Neutralises malodours such as pet smells, smoke fumes and paint fumes
  • Creates a perfect ambience to work or relax
  • Also works as an ioniser, converting positive ions in the air into negative ions, with great benefits to your mood and the way you feel.
  • And, unlike most other ionisers, it won't mark your walls Energy efficient using just 14 watts of electricity, that is less than a light-bulb
  • Cleanses an area up to 900ft² (83.6m²) effectively, Revitalizes air in minutes
  • No need for replacement filters